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The Mental Casting Call

20 Mar

Whenever I read a book, I look closely for the clues, descriptions and actions that define the main characters.  When I have a clear idea of how these character look and act, I then scroll through my mental list of actors and cast my book.

I don’t think I’m alone in this, why? Well, because when a book is in pre-production to become a film we all can have such different visuals as to who should be cast. I recall four years ago when Robert Pattinson was cast as Edward Cullen in Twilight, oh lawd the uproar, there were even petitions to have him recast lol.  Well we all know how that worked out, in the end Rob became everyones Edward.

Henry Cavill, Stephenie Meyers vision of Edward Cullen

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Pre-Order FREE Kindle Book – Wings

20 Mar

Mkay I suck, haven’t posted in a few days but this DEAL stuck out for me.  Why…because it’s a Stephenie Meyer rec and despite the less than perfect writing, the Twilight Series is LITERARY CRACK!

For a limited time, the book that Twilight Saga author Stephanie Meyer lauded as “a remarkable debut” is available for free.

Laurel was mesmerized, staring at the pale things with wide eyes. They were terrifyingly beautiful—too beautiful for words. Laurel turned to the mirror again, her eyes on the hovering petals that floated beside her head. They looked almost like wings. In this extraordinary tale of magic and intrigue, romance and danger, everything you thought you knew about faeries will be changed forever.


How to Get & Read Fanfiction on Your Kindle

6 Mar

Several years ago I discovered the world of fanfiction and it opened up a huge library of amazing, free works of fiction.  If you’re new to fanfiction, it’s basically when an unknown author takes characters from a much loved book or series and creates original stories.  I loved this because it enabled me to keep reading about the characters I loved in different situations and scenarios, some extremely unique.

One of the pitfalls I found with fanfiction was I was either going blind trying to read on my computer/blackberry or killing the environment to print out the stories I wanted to read.  But then I got my kindle and it opened up an entirely new way to enjoy my fanfiction. Before I lay out the instructions on how to get fanfic on your kindle I just want to say I understand many fic writers don’t like their stories published and posted all over the internet for reading and downloading, please use these instructions to add fics to your kindle for personal use.

How to Get Fanfiction onto your Kindle

  1. go to and locate the story you are interested in reading. I highly recommend only downloading completed fics otherwise you’ll be going back for updates all the time.
  2. locate the fic id number.  Usually 7 digit number found in the url or in the story description.

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Water for Elephants Film Trailer Released

5 Mar

A  little over a year ago a friend recommended I read Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. It’s not my normal choice of fic, while I like books set in previous times, I prefer my historical fic to go back several hundred years.  Anyhoo, I gave it a go and though I wasn’t enthralled by the book I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

A few months later, I sat down to read The Water for Elephants script and let me tell you, that was RIVETING…it was better than the book.  The script is tight, fast moving and certain changed-up scenes are better in the script than in the book.

At the time I was reading, the cast for the film was announce and with the exception of Christoph Waltz I wasn’t convinced.  Reese Witherspoon as Marlena seemed way too old for the role and though I Love Robert Pattinson, I feared he didn’t have the chops to carry this film.

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Reading is like air for me…

1 Mar

I need it to survive. Okay so maybe that’s a little dramatic but in essence it’s true.

I started this blog because I looooove to read and I wanted to share my little obsession with well, anyone who wants to join me.  When I find a book I love or a series I can’t put down, I call it Literary Crack and I want to share it with everyone I can.  I’m like a dealer of lit 🙂

Anyway, I plan on sharing my favorite books with the www and I’m really hoping that some fellow book lovers stop by to talk about what books are owning me as well as what books they can recommend!

<333 EVER